Development Continues With Your Help
I don’t like spending time on raising funds, but last month I realized I had to either spend less time on Tiled or do a very visible call for help. I chose to try running a short fundraiser, and the result as been absolutely amazing! Not only am I very glad that I can continue working on Tiled for two days per week, but we have also found nearly 40 new people willing support Tiled development on a monthly basis!
I was also blown away by all the existing supporters who increased their pledges. About 20 patrons have together increased their support by almost $400/month. Their generosity is incredibly motivating and I will do my best not to disappoint!
Unfortunately, it did become clear that funding my office is currently too much of a stretch. I canceled the rental agreement, but since it has a three-month notice I’ll still have the office until the end of August. It could be that I won’t need it as much by then, since my son will go to kindergarten and we may move to a bigger place to accommodate my growing family. But for the next three months it remains one of my funding goals!
Growing Family
My wife and I are expecting our third child this month, and it could come any day now. After that the time I spend on Tiled could become quite a bit more spread out over the week, as opposed to the two full days I currently work on Tiled. I am taking two months of parental leave so that I have time to help out at home, but I do not plan to work less on Tiled.
Tiled 1.2
This month, I will do my best to finish Tiled 1.2. Those keeping an eye on development already know it will bring polygon editing improvements, multi-layer editing and support for viewing multiple maps at once among many other enhancements. Your feedback, especially on those new features, is crucial in making Tiled 1.2 a great upgrade, so please give the frequently updated development snapshots a try!
Thanks again for your amazing support!